Saturday, December 31, 2005

Samm's House

Yesterday was my first day house sitting for Garrett's house, which also includes looking after his pets ( a dog and a cat). It's making me realize why exactly our family never owned any real pets (I say "REAL" because I don't consider fish to be a pet as much as a display ornament).

Let's get this straight, I've never claimed to be an animal lover of any sort. But I don't hate them either. I just perfer solitude, and pets (dogs in paticular) do not allow that. They need constant attention and care, something I just don't have time for.
But really I Am thankful for this opportunity to take on responsibility...and there are positives to this. For instance; it's New Year's Eve and I have a house to myself, which is amazing (However parties are a negative on the list of instructions given to maybe a few friends over for some poker). I can also practice my musical side without having th bother anyone. So really, I can't complain at all... I'm pretty fortunate to be in my situation.
So this next week should prove to be interesting as well as a challenge for me, but I'll survive.

I'm at work at the moment and my break is almost up, so I best get back to the grinding stone...
(and yes. I AM bitter.)


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