Saturday, March 25, 2006

On a scale of Cool to Nerd...

I finally gave in and started reading Harry Potter yesterday. What can I say? I like it. It's good stuff.
"So what does this mean, oh wise G-Irish" you ask
Well lets put it this way:

On a scale of cool to nerd, I currently rank in at a plaid bow-tie.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Monday was mildly interesting.

Tonight finally finished the last book in the series "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", "Mostly Harmless".
Although I won't ruin the ending for those of you who are in the process or have plans on reading it, I will however say that it was a complete surprise ending.... I mean like... wow. Totally did not see that coming.
Anyways, it was 8:38 and I didn't have much homework... what to do..?
The answer was simple.
Go buy some music at the mall.
Considering the mall closed in 20 mins and it takes me roughly 10 mins to get there plus about 2 mins to get ready, I was on a tight schedule.
So I booked it down to HMV ahead of schedule. In fact, the traffic lights were on my side so I made it down there in 5. This gave me time to leisurely make choice at my own pace... but it didn't matter. I already knew what I wanted. A little CD by an artist named Matisyahu. Never heard of him? Well neither did I until Garrett bought the same CD a week ago.

Every hear a Jewish guy sing reggae?
Well it's fantastic.

The CD was 2 for 25 so I also picked up a foo fighters album as well.

After I left HMV I headed home for 9. Beautifully timed. I'm pretty impressed with myself actually.

Today's stat's:
-1 book read
-2 CD's bought
- 0 Homework done

Summary: Not terribly productive, but fun.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Happy PI Day!

It's Pi (or Pie) day!

Some might think that this Day is only for Mathlete's.
Take it however you want it, but in any case, tis a day for celebration! March 14 is the official day to slap a pie into a loved ones face

Join in the festivities!

Monday, March 13, 2006

The Crude 'Lude

If you know me, you've heard the stories of my car... The 'lude and I have been through many adventures together which include stalling, flying hubcaps, and ladies (you know that story). When I purchased the car, I actually couldn't drive it, because I had a cast on from my accident in my previous car.
The Prelue was in decent condition....nothing to really complain about... but gradually, as months went on, things started to go weird... strange noises, mostly. I've been able to live with it for the most part, but occasionally it kind of gets to me. Take this morning for instance.
Here's the scenario:

It's morning, and I open the door to the prelude and sit down...This is where the issues arrise. As soon as I rest my back on the seat, I fall backwards. YES, the seat IS broken. (I haven't fixed it yet, but in the meantime, I place my backpack behind it to hold it in place.)
I then proceed to place my key into the ignition and turn the key... The prelude is a standard so when starting it, I need to either press the clutch or put it into neutral. I park on an incline so when doing either of these two things, the car will roll backwards...but this isn't a problem because I can always rely on the E-brake to hold my car in it's place, right...? WRONG.

My E-brake wire is snapped so the only way to keep it from rolling is the brake pedal... BUT, my car has a tendancy to stall if you don't pump the gas, so what you have to do is alternate between the gas and brakes.

Anyways I've got to make it through 45mins -1 hour of traffic to get to RRC. I start driving, I can hear a strange screeching's the belt...and you can hear it from a mile away.

"boy that's gotta be annoying..." you say. "heck yes." I witfully reply. "but thats not all"

When it's cold out, there's another sound...a mysterious sound.... that will send chills down your first it sounds like a coin that been dropped....but as you rev higher it gets louder...higher pitched... so loud you cannot talk... ENOUGH TO DRIVE SOMEONE MAD!...well, you get the idea.

Of course these are all the negative aspects to my car. There are positives, believe it or not. flip up headlights....bucket seats... in the summer, I can use the moonroof...

okay, fine. Let's just put it out there: On a scale of Awesome to Sucky, it's a landslide on the sucky side.

Friday, March 10, 2006

The Office Party 2

Okay so yesterday was the continuation of the office marathon that started on Wed. Mark, Sean Matt, JENNY (who also attended the first night of the office party.), and myself sat through 6 episodes.... then I found myself feeling very torn: I wanted to watch the conclusion , but I also wanted to go home and sleep...considering I had to get up at 6: 30 this morning.
After about 12, Sean and I headed out, but left the office dvd at Mark + JENNY's so they could finish watching the last bit of the special.

My goal for today: to learn the theme to 'The Office' on piano.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Office Party

Well last night, Matt, Mark, Sean and I had our 'Office party'... I even felt it necessary to tuck in my shirt for this event.
The show was a definitly a hit, we ended up watching the first season with only 1 quick break, in which Mark and Sean discussed plans on an indie horror film which involved a tent.

Tonight we're going to continue the Office marathon and hopefully complete the 2nd season.

More on this later...

Tuesday, March 07, 2006


Like a slap to the face comes another post!

Last night Garrett and I went to the park theatre which is where they had a number of bands lined up, including Garrett's friend's band: Ten Too Many.
Besides being entertaining, watching these local bands really got me pumped start a band of my own.... perhapes a Christian Death metal band? alright, fine it's a pretty stupid idea.... just thought i'd throw it out there.
In any case, the summer will free things up for myself and my friends so hopefully things will come together and we can make some songs.

Well I'm going to do something else right now. I'll be sure to post about the Office party in a couple of days.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

My week in a nutshell and the buying of the Office

Well my week went pretty much as planned: I slept in everyday, played music, and hung out with friends.

Probably the most exciting thing that has happened this week was the purchace of the first 2 seasons of The Office.
It was quite the sponataneous buy, I hadn't even seen the show, just placing my trust in the recommendations of a few people.... and they were so right: The Office kicks butt.
The Office is full of dull office jokes, awkward moments, and an idiot boss who thinks he's the funniest man alive. I recommend this to anyone who's ever worked in a cubicle or who love british comedies.