Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Why do we do Stupid things...? BECAUSE IT'S COOL.

This past weekend I went to the annual winter retreat, located at Camp Nutimik with my church. This is my first time attending this event, but since I was joining a cabin which included Matt, Mark, and Sean, I knew it would be anything but boring.
After we arrived, we unpacked and watched Sean and Trevor finish up their game of settlers, and then we decided to do what I was dreading since the moment I agreed to come along to the retreat....


For those of you who are not familiar with this act of stupidity, this event is to challenge yourself against 4 litres of milk by consuming the jug as fast as you can. Your body can only hold so much milk before it starts rejecting it.

Keeping this in mind lets meet The challengers:
MARK: - has completed milk challenge once before and is eager to take on the challenge once more. Honorable competitor.

MATT: - has completed milk challenge in 15 mins, and is considered a legend among milkmen.

GIRISH: - Never tried the milk challenge....and is really really scared.

Before the trip to the camp, the 3 of us (Matt, Mark, and myself) stocked up on milk (4 litres each that is.) just in case we decided to go through with this challenge. We all bought chocolate milk since this was the easiest flavor to keep down when chugging milk (or so I had heard...).

Anyways we set up garbage cans in front of us for the challenge in the basement of one of the buildings at the camp.We're ready to go... Let the competition begin!

Chug! [WARNING: the following images may contain graphics content that may be disturbing]

Well , it basically went downhill from there... and in short all 3 of us failed to complete the challenge. At least for Matt and Mark, they can say that they've completed it once, but I on the other hand only made it to 3 lousy litres.

Right now it's late and Im tried of drawing these dumb pictures, for more on the challenge we took, click here

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Wow! I'm actually posting something!

Okay its been a while and I have a lousy excuse for my lack of posts....
I'm Lazy, okay? so sue me!
Well actually it's been more than that.
The civilCAD program at RRC likes to suck the life and energy right out of it's students. Between school, church and work, I don't have much time for anything unfortunately.
But I Did do some things worth mentioning since my last post:
- I got new frames for my glasses
-I ordered a new interact card(which I haven't recieved for about 2 weeks now)
and uh...
I guess that's it. which leads me to another reason why I wasnt posting... I did absolutely NOTHING.

so now that I've explained myself, I'm going to back to my exciting life of homework and sleeping.
I bid you ado, but before I go, I'll leave you with my extremely complicated autoCAD drawing of a houseplan I'm working. Notice the detail, I'm pretty impressed with my own work actually.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

New Years (and other stuff too.)

Four days into this New Year and things seem to be going rather smoothly...
On New Year's Eve, I had Grant and Sean over for some poker. We didn't bet anything so it was all in fun.... but if we did, I'd be a richer man. Probably only five dollars richer...but richer nonetheless.
I went to sleep around 1 :30, which pretty early for New Year's Eve, but I had to play in the worship band in the morning. The extra rest was a good investment, because I felt great the next day.

I have a huge scratch on one of my lenses so I 've ordered some new glasses, which are the type with no frames around the lenses... They should be arriving in a couple of weeks. They're quite expensive, but luckily I got a hookup from a cool guy by the name of Sheldon. That should ease the depletion of my funds quite a bit. Thanks Sheldon!

Nothing else is new besides what I mentioned.... my life really has gotten back to its old routine with school... Speaking of which, I'm at school right now so I should pack up for my next class