Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Final Convergys Fight..... I think.

So this is it. The big Convergy drawing. very "la-dee-da" isn't it? I was very tired drawing it so today was the closing of the doors on this guy. but i must say im very happy that was able to add a pirate-ninja drop kicking a zombie in there.... oh yes you simply cannot get more awesome than that.

The Carney Project

I've been working on that Convergys picture for far too long. So today, I decided I would just stop working on it and do something else. So I wanted to draw people I didn't work with.
Here's my first drawing:

The intense effects express my intense boredom during work.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

covergys fight 2

ive been messing around with the drawing and giving people crazy backgrounds, so far ive just done 2, but im going to do one for each person soon.