Monday, February 27, 2006

Surprise! a brand new post!

Well I've finally finished my 3rd term of my program and I now have a well deserved week off!
Besides catching up on sleep, I have no definite plans for the week, but my parents have also returned from their trip to India and with them they've brought an Indian drum called a tabla along with a dohlak (another Indian drum) so hopefully I'll get a chance to learn how to play them. By the looks of it, learning how to play tabla is lengthy process.... People spend years learning it, so I can't imagine I'll have any sort of skill by the end of the week, but it'll just be fun playing around with.

Saturday, February 04, 2006


Imagine the world's greatest scientists holding a meeting and creating an invention that had onely one purpose. And that sole purpose was to be extremely profecient at sacking someone in the nuts repeatedly....
Now imagine this invention being used on you.My last call of my shift today felt the same way.